Transition to Net Zero with POS-GRIP® Lifetime Leak-Free Technology
Committed to our ESG responsibilities, Plexus delivers the best possible engineering solutions for its customers and strives to be a champion for sustainability in the oil and gas sector.
With the impending Methane Emissions Reduction Act in the United States, which may mandate independent monitoring and seeks to introduce financial penalties for methane emissions, companies are being increasingly pressed into developing and using technologies to detect and reduce these harmful emissions.
Plexus has gone much further.
POS-GRIP technology delivers a cost-effective, science based, preventative leak-free solution which can be verified, monitored and reported at the well site, rather than through furtive maintenance interventions.

Plexus has been recognised by the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as contributing to the global green economy by receiving The Green Economy Mark. This classification highlights companies and investment funds listed on all segments of LSE’s Main Market and AIM that are driving the global green economy. To qualify for the Green Economy Mark, companies and funds must generate 50% or more of their total annual revenues from products and services. The Green Revenues data model developed by FTSE Russell is designed to recognise both “pure play” green technology companies, as well as those across all industries that make significant contributions to the transition to a sustainable, low carbon economy.
In the LSE Green Economy Report 2021 – “Where’s there’s green, there’s growth” published 20.7.2021, the Plexus Holdings new cohort details explained that Plexus is an oil and gas engineering services business whose proprietary friction grip method of wellhead engineering prevents leaks, and ensures that exploration and production is conducted in line with the highest possible standards to safeguard the environment from harmful emissions.
Friction-Grip Technology
The POS-GRIP HG® metal seal provides a permanent, yet reversible seal which acts as if the components have become one. The process delivers verifiable and repeatable results, which can be monitored to stay within specified stress limits.
The technology uses simple engineering, using fewer components, reducing further the need for future interventions. The technology can be used on a variety of oil and gas applications and has been successfully installed on ultra-high pressure and temperature projects, up to 20,000 psi at 375ºF.
POS-GRIP enables Net Zero operations at the wellhead, which is an essential aspect of any new exploration or production wellhead. We know that the world is facing a critical situation when it comes to climate change, and regulators and governments across the world are calling upon the oil and gas industry to significantly reduce or ideally eliminate emissions wherever possible.
View “Wellhead Methane Leaks and How to Prevent Them” – HERE
Proven success
After decades of experience, and more than 400 wells drilled around the world, the friction-grip method of wellhead engineering has been demonstrated to be the safest and most convenient solution on some of the most difficult wells ever drilled.
Verified by blue-chip operators including Shell and Total, the leak-free performance of the Plexus wellhead transforms the ability of operators to produce hydrocarbons in a more sustainable and safer manner at the wellsite.

A POS-GRIP “HG” Wellhead with leak proof metal to metal seals
At Plexus – we aim for the best
“As we face the climate emergency together, mind sets must change. New methods of engineering are available which can help the industry substantially reduce emissions over the coming years throughout the supply chain from wellsite to consumer. Regulations are becoming stricter and Plexus’ technology and wellhead solutions can play a vital role in achieving emissions targets over the coming years.
“An important aspect of our wellhead designs is that they enable, where avoidable, ‘through the BOP’ operations thereby eliminating the need to remove the blow-out preventer when executing routine drilling operations.
“Such a feature ensures that ‘blow-out’ events when the BOP is off of the well cannot happen, which is both safer for the personnel and environment, especially as such events can become ‘super emitters.’ Simple logic therefore dictates that only wellheads designed to eliminate the avoidable need to remove the blow-out preventers for assembly purposes should be used. Sadly the bulk of wells today are still drilled using such conventional wellheads, and I believe this practice should not only be actively discouraged, but should be consigned to history.”

Methane emissions are 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide in first two decades after release.
Methane emissions from oil and natural gas operations in the United States are 60 percent higher than previously believed, representing 2.3 percent of natural gas production.